LatMRG Guide  1.0
A software package to test and search for new linear congruential random number generators
Todo List
Page Configuration Files Synthax and Tags
Full period check is not implemented for MWC. This is because it is somewhat useless. Maybe decide the form we want to check before implementing.
Member LatMRG::Merit::meritB (Lat &lat)
implement this
Class LatMRG::MMRGLattice< Integ, Float >
Make this class not use/compute the dual if not asked.
Member LatMRG::MWCLattice< Int, Dbl >::fullPeriod (const Int &b, const IntVec &e)
finish this
Class LatMRG::Primes< Int >
Could probably switch to a deterministic test because it is possible to do everything this class does with efficient deterministic tests for integers < 2^64 see
Namespace LatMRG::Reductions
have more flexibility in the reduction parameters so that LLL and BKZ floating point numbers precision can be changed if needed.
Page SeekMain
Most of those settings are not implemented. It is safer to stick to Full for now, but this also means that the lattice of generators without full period cannot be examined correctly.