LatMRG Guide  1.0
A software package to test and search for new linear congruential random number generators
LatMRG::ComboLattice< Int, Dbl > Class Template Reference

This class represents a combined MRG. More...

#include <latmrg/ComboLattice.h>

Inheritance diagram for LatMRG::ComboLattice< Int, Dbl >:
LatMRG::MRGLattice< Int, Dbl >

Public Types

typedef Dbl Float
typedef Int Integ
typedef NTL::matrix< IntIntMat
typedef NTL::vector< IntIntVec
- Public Types inherited from LatMRG::MRGLattice< Int, Dbl >
typedef Dbl Dbl
typedef Int Int
typedef NTL::matrix< IntIntMat
typedef NTL::vector< IntIntVec

Public Member Functions

 ComboLattice (std::vector< MRGComponent< Int > * > &comp, MRGLattice< Int, Dbl > &lat)
 Creates a ComboLattice for the set of MRG described in comp with a MRG lattice as described in lat. More...
 ComboLattice (const ComboLattice< Int, Dbl > &lat)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ~ComboLattice ()
 Destructor. More...
std::string & getCompString (int i)
std::string toString () const override
 Prints a string describing all the componenets and the equivalent MRG. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from LatMRG::MRGLattice< Int, Dbl >
 MRGLattice (const Int &m, const IntVec &a, int maxDim, int k, LatticeType latt, LatticeTester::NormType norm=LatticeTester::L2NORM)
 Constructor with modulus of congruence \(m\), order of the recurrence \(k\), multipliers \(a\), maximal dimension MaxDim, and lattice type Latt. More...
 MRGLattice (const Int &m, const Int &a, int maxDim, LatticeType latt, LatticeTester::NormType norm=LatticeTester::L2NORM)
 Alternative constructor for a LCG. More...
 MRGLattice (const Int &m, const IntVec &a, int maxDim, int k, IntVec &lac, LatticeType latt, LatticeTester::NormType norm=LatticeTester::L2NORM)
 As in the constructor above but the basis is built for the lacunary indices lac. More...
 MRGLattice (const MRGLattice< Int, Dbl > &Lat)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ~MRGLattice ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual void buildBasis (int d)
 Builds the basis in dimension \(d\). More...
IntgetLac (int j)
 Returns the \(j\)-th lacunary index. More...
virtual void incDim ()
 Increments the dimension of the basis by 1 by calling either incDimBasis or incDimLaBasis. More...
bool isLacunary () const
 Returns true for the case of lacunary indices, returns false for non-lacunary indices. More...
void kill ()
 Cleans and releases memory used by this object. More...
MRGLattice< Int, Dbl > & operator= (const MRGLattice< Int, Dbl > &Lat)
 Assigns Lat to this object. More...
virtual void setLac (const LatticeTester::Lacunary< Int > &lat)
 Sets the lacunary indices for this lattice to lat. More...
Int getRho () const
Int getLossRho () const
void setRho (const Int &val)
void setLossRho (const Int &val)
const IntVecgetCoef () const
 Returns a non-mutable copy of the multipliers (coefficients) of the MRG. More...
virtual std::string toStringCoef () const
 Returns the vector of multipliers \(A\) as a string. More...
std::string toString () const override
 Returns the vector of multipliers \(A\) as a string. More...
void setPower2 (std::vector< IntVec > &coeffs)
 Sets m_power2 to true and sets m_pow2_exp tocoeffs`. More...
void buildProjection (LatticeTester::IntLattice< Int, Int, Dbl, Dbl > *lattice, const LatticeTester::Coordinates &proj) override
 Builds a projection for this lattice on the set in indices in proj. More...

Private Attributes

std::vector< MRGComponent< Int > * > m_comp
 The MRG components of this combined generator. More...
std::vector< std::string > m_compstr
 Strings to represent each component. More...
int m_number
 The number of components stored in this object. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from LatMRG::MRGLattice< Int, Dbl >
void initStates ()
 Initializes a square matrix of order \(k\). More...
void init ()
 Initializes some of the local variables. More...
void initOrbit ()
 Initializes this object when the lattice type is ORBIT. More...
void insertion (IntVec &Sta)
void lemme2 (IntVec &Sta)
void trace (char *msg, int d)
 For debugging purposes. More...
virtual void incDimBasis ()
 Increments the basis by 1 in case of non-lacunary indices. More...
void incDimLaBasis (int)
 Increments the basis by 1 in case of lacunary indices. More...
void buildNaBasis (int d)
 Builds the basis of the MRG recurrence in case of non-lacunary indices. More...
void buildLaBasis (int d)
 Builds the basis of the MRG recurrence in case of lacunary indices. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from LatMRG::MRGLattice< Int, Dbl >
IntVec m_aCoef
 The coefficients of the recurrence. More...
bool * m_ip
 When the flag m_ip[i] is true, the \(i\)-th diagonal element of matrix m_sta is non-zero (modulo \(m\)) and divides \(m\). More...
LatticeTester::Lacunary< Intm_lac
 Contains the lacunary indices when LacunaryFlag is true, otherwise is undefined. More...
bool m_lacunaryFlag
 Is true in the case of lacunary indices, false otherwise. More...
LatticeType m_latType
 Indicates which lattice or sublattice is analyzed. More...
IntMat m_sta
 Matrix that contains the vectors that can be used to generate the basis for an arbitrary dimension. More...
Int m_lossRho
Int m_rho
Int m_t4
 Work variables. More...
Int m_t5
Int m_t6
Int m_t7
Int m_t8
Int m_e
IntVec m_xi

Detailed Description

template<typename Int, typename Dbl>
class LatMRG::ComboLattice< Int, Dbl >

This class represents a combined MRG.

It stores a vector of MRGComponent and computes the equivalent MRG to their combination. Note that MRGComponenets do not have to be MRG themselves. This only overrides the toString() method and provides a constructor that populates the MRGLattice super-class to use this class in methods without an overload specific to it.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Float

template<typename Int , typename Dbl >
typedef Dbl LatMRG::ComboLattice< Int, Dbl >::Float

◆ Integ

template<typename Int , typename Dbl >
typedef Int LatMRG::ComboLattice< Int, Dbl >::Integ

◆ IntMat

template<typename Int , typename Dbl >
typedef NTL::matrix<Int> LatMRG::ComboLattice< Int, Dbl >::IntMat

◆ IntVec

template<typename Int , typename Dbl >
typedef NTL::vector<Int> LatMRG::ComboLattice< Int, Dbl >::IntVec

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ComboLattice() [1/2]

template<typename Int , typename Dbl >
LatMRG::ComboLattice< Int, Dbl >::ComboLattice ( std::vector< MRGComponent< Int > * > &  comp,
MRGLattice< Int, Dbl > &  lat 

Creates a ComboLattice for the set of MRG described in comp with a MRG lattice as described in lat.

Ideally, lat has been initialized with getLatCombo.

◆ ComboLattice() [2/2]

template<typename Int , typename Dbl >
LatMRG::ComboLattice< Int, Dbl >::ComboLattice ( const ComboLattice< Int, Dbl > &  lat)

Copy constructor.

◆ ~ComboLattice()

template<typename Int , typename Dbl >
LatMRG::ComboLattice< Int, Dbl >::~ComboLattice ( )


Deallocate memory to m_comp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getCompString()

template<typename Int , typename Dbl >
std::string& LatMRG::ComboLattice< Int, Dbl >::getCompString ( int  i)

◆ toString()

template<typename Int , typename Dbl >
std::string LatMRG::ComboLattice< Int, Dbl >::toString ( ) const

Prints a string describing all the componenets and the equivalent MRG.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_comp

template<typename Int , typename Dbl >
std::vector<MRGComponent<Int>*> LatMRG::ComboLattice< Int, Dbl >::m_comp

The MRG components of this combined generator.

◆ m_compstr

template<typename Int , typename Dbl >
std::vector<std::string> LatMRG::ComboLattice< Int, Dbl >::m_compstr

Strings to represent each component.

◆ m_number

template<typename Int , typename Dbl >
int LatMRG::ComboLattice< Int, Dbl >::m_number

The number of components stored in this object.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: