LatMRG Guide  1.0
A software package to test and search for new linear congruential random number generators
LatMRG::IntPrimitivity< Int > Class Template Reference

This class deals with primitive roots and primitive elements modulo an integer. More...

#include <latmrg/IntPrimitivity.h>

Public Member Functions

 IntPrimitivity ()
 IntPrimitivity (const IntFactorization< Int > &f, const Int &p, long e=1)
 Constructor fixing the modulus of congruence as \(m = p^e\). More...
long getE ()
 Gets the value of \(e\). More...
IntFactorization< Int > getF ()
 Gets the value of \(f\). More...
Int getP ()
 Gets the value of \(p\). More...
bool isPrimitiveElement (const Int &a) const
 Returns true if \(a\) is a primitive element modulo \(p^e\). More...
bool isPrimitiveElement (const IntVec &V, int k) const
 Returns true if \((-1)^{k+1}V[k]\) is a primitive element modulo \(p^e\). More...
void setF (const IntFactorization< Int > &f)
 Sets the value of \(f\). More...
void setpe (const Int &p, long e)
 Sets the value of \(p\), \(e\) and \(m = p^e\). More...
std::string toString () const
 Returns this object as a string. More...

Private Types

typedef NTL::vector< Int > IntVec

Private Attributes

long m_e
 Exponent used to compute the modulus \(m = p^e\). More...
IntFactorization< Int > m_f
 Factorization of \(p-1\). More...
Int m_m
 The modulus \(m = p^e\). More...
Int m_p
 Prime number \(p\). More...

Detailed Description

template<typename Int>
class LatMRG::IntPrimitivity< Int >

This class deals with primitive roots and primitive elements modulo an integer.

Let \(a\), \(e\) and \(p\) be integers, with \(p\) a prime number. Assume also that \(a\) and \(m=p^e\) are relatively prime. The smallest positive integer \(\lambda(m)\) for which \(a^{\lambda}= 1 \ \mod\ m \) is called the order of \(a\) modulo \(m\). Any \(a\) which has the maximum possible order for a given \(m\) is called a primitive root modulo \(m\). For the following important cases, the value of the order for given \(m\) is [14] :

\begin{align*} \lambda(2^e) & = 2^{e-2}, \qquad e > 2 \\ \lambda(p^e) & = p^{e-1}(p - 1), \qquad p > 2. \end{align*}

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ IntVec

template<typename Int >
typedef NTL::vector<Int> LatMRG::IntPrimitivity< Int >::IntVec

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IntPrimitivity() [1/2]

template<typename Int >
LatMRG::IntPrimitivity< Int >::IntPrimitivity ( )

◆ IntPrimitivity() [2/2]

template<typename Int >
LatMRG::IntPrimitivity< Int >::IntPrimitivity ( const IntFactorization< Int > &  f,
const Int &  p,
long  e = 1 

Constructor fixing the modulus of congruence as \(m = p^e\).

The argument \(f\) must contain the prime factor decomposition of \(p-1\) and its inverse factors.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getE()

template<typename Int >
long LatMRG::IntPrimitivity< Int >::getE ( )

Gets the value of \(e\).

◆ getF()

template<typename Int >
IntFactorization<Int> LatMRG::IntPrimitivity< Int >::getF ( )

Gets the value of \(f\).

◆ getP()

template<typename Int >
Int LatMRG::IntPrimitivity< Int >::getP ( )

Gets the value of \(p\).

◆ isPrimitiveElement() [1/2]

template<typename Int >
bool LatMRG::IntPrimitivity< Int >::isPrimitiveElement ( const Int &  a) const

Returns true if \(a\) is a primitive element modulo \(p^e\).

This method uses the prime factor decomposition of \(p-1\) and its inverse factors.

◆ isPrimitiveElement() [2/2]

template<typename Int >
bool LatMRG::IntPrimitivity< Int >::isPrimitiveElement ( const IntVec V,
int  k 
) const

Returns true if \((-1)^{k+1}V[k]\) is a primitive element modulo \(p^e\).

This method uses the prime factor decomposition of \(p-1\) and its inverse factors.

◆ setF()

template<typename Int >
void LatMRG::IntPrimitivity< Int >::setF ( const IntFactorization< Int > &  f)

Sets the value of \(f\).

◆ setpe()

template<typename Int >
void LatMRG::IntPrimitivity< Int >::setpe ( const Int &  p,
long  e 

Sets the value of \(p\), \(e\) and \(m = p^e\).

◆ toString()

template<typename Int >
std::string LatMRG::IntPrimitivity< Int >::toString ( ) const

Returns this object as a string.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_e

template<typename Int >
long LatMRG::IntPrimitivity< Int >::m_e

Exponent used to compute the modulus \(m = p^e\).

◆ m_f

template<typename Int >
IntFactorization<Int> LatMRG::IntPrimitivity< Int >::m_f

Factorization of \(p-1\).

◆ m_m

template<typename Int >
Int LatMRG::IntPrimitivity< Int >::m_m

The modulus \(m = p^e\).

◆ m_p

template<typename Int >
Int LatMRG::IntPrimitivity< Int >::m_p

Prime number \(p\).

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