LatMRG Guide  1.0
A software package to test and search for new linear congruential random number generators
LatMRG::PolyPE< Int > Class Template Reference

This class implements polynomials \(P(x)\) in \(\mathbb Z_m[X]\) defined as. More...

#include <latmrg/PolyPE.h>

Inheritance diagram for LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >:

Public Member Functions

 PolyPE ()
 Minimal constructor: this object is set to the 0 polynomial. More...
const ModInt< Int >::PolX & getVal ()
bool isPrimitive (const IntPrimitivity< Int > &fm, const IntFactorization< Int > &fr)
 Returns true if the modulus \(f(x)\) is a primitive polynomial modulo \(m\). More...
bool isPrimitive (const IntFactorization< Int > &r)
 Given the factorization of \(r\), this method returns true if conditions 2 and 3 above are satisfied by the modulus \(f(x)\). More...
void powerMod (const Int &j)
 Sets \(v = x^j \mod f(x) (\bmod m)\). More...
void setVal (long j)
void setVal (const IntVec &C)
 Initializes this object to \(C\). More...
void setVal (std::string &str)
 Initializes this object to the polynomial in str. More...
std::string toString () const
 Returns this object as a string. More...
void toVector (IntVec &c)
 Returns the coefficients of this polynomial as a vector \(C\) of \(k\) components, where \(k\) is the degree of the modulus \(f(x)\). More...

Static Public Member Functions

static const ModInt< Int >::PolX & getF ()
 Returns the modulus polynomial \(f(x)\). More...
static long getK ()
 Returns the degree of the modulus \(f(x)\). More...
static const Int & getM ()
 Returns a read-only reference to \(m\). More...
static void reverse (IntVec &c, long k, int kind)
 Given a vector \(C = [c_0, c_1, …, c_{k-1}, c_k]\), this function reorders the components of \(C\) in the form \(C = [c_k, c_{k-1}, ..., c_1, c_0]\) for kind = 1, and in the form \(C = [-c_k, -c_{k-1}, …, -c_1, 1]\) for kind = 2. More...
static void setF (const typename ModInt< Int >::IntVecP &C)
 Initializes the modulus polynomial \(f(x) = c_0 + c_1x +c_2x^2 + \cdots+ c_kx^k\) of degree \(k\) for this class from the coefficients \(c_i = \)C[i] of vector C of dimension \(k + 1\). More...
static void setF (const IntVec &C)
 Same as above, but instead from a IntVec. More...
static void setM (const Int &m)
 Initializes the modulus \(m\) for this class. More...

Private Types

typedef NTL::vector< Int > IntVec

Static Private Attributes

static long m_k
 Degree of the modulus polynomial \(f\). More...
static Int m_m
 Modulus of congruence. More...
static ModInt< Int >::PolX m_x
 The polynomial \(f(x) = x\). More...

Detailed Description

template<typename Int>
class LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >

This class implements polynomials \(P(x)\) in \(\mathbb Z_m[X]\) defined as.

\[ P(x) = c_0 + c_1x^1 + c_2 x^2 + \cdots+ c_nx^n \tag{eq.poly1} \]

with degree \(n\) and integer coefficients \(c_i\) in \(\mathbb Z_m\). The arithmetic operations on objects of this class are done modulo \(m\) and modulo a polynomial \(f(x)\) of degree \(k\). Thus all polynomials will be reduced modulo \(f(x)\). In LatMRG, the modulus polynomial \(f(x)\) is usually written in the form

\[ f(x) = x^k - a_1x^{k-1} - \cdots- a_{k-1} x - a_k, \tag{eq.poly2} \]

and is associated with the recurrence

\[ x_n = (a_1x_{n-1} + a_2x_{n-2} + \cdots+ a_k x_{n-k}) \bmod m. \tag{eq.rec2} \]

The two functions setM and setF must be called to initialize the modulus \(m\) and the modulus polynomial \(f(x)\) before doing any arithmetic operations on PolyPE objects, otherwise the results are unpredictable.

Type Int is used to represent polynomial coefficients. It may be chosen as long for \(m < 2^{50}\) (on 64-bit machines), or as the big integer type ZZ otherwise. The possible associated types IntVec are long* and vec_ZZ. Type PolE for the polynomials may be chosen as zz_pE when \(m < 2^{50}\), or it may be set to ZZ_pE which is implemented with the big integer type ZZ_p.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ IntVec

template<typename Int >
typedef NTL::vector<Int> LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::IntVec

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PolyPE()

template<typename Int >
LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::PolyPE ( )

Minimal constructor: this object is set to the 0 polynomial.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getF()

template<typename Int >
static const ModInt<Int>::PolX& LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::getF ( )

Returns the modulus polynomial \(f(x)\).

◆ getK()

template<typename Int >
static long LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::getK ( )

Returns the degree of the modulus \(f(x)\).

◆ getM()

template<typename Int >
static const Int& LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::getM ( )

Returns a read-only reference to \(m\).

◆ getVal()

template<typename Int >
const ModInt<Int>::PolX& LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::getVal ( )

◆ isPrimitive() [1/2]

template<typename Int >
bool LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::isPrimitive ( const IntPrimitivity< Int > &  fm,
const IntFactorization< Int > &  fr 

Returns true if the modulus \(f(x)\) is a primitive polynomial modulo \(m\).

For this to be true, assuming that \(f(x)\) has the form (eq.poly2) above, the three following conditions must be satisfied:

\([(-1)^{k+1} a_k]^{(m-1)/q} \bmod m \neq1\) for each prime factor \(q\) of \(m - 1\);
\(x^r \bmod(f(x),m) = (-1)^{k+1} a_k \bmod m\);
\(x^{r/q} \bmod(f(x), m) \) has positive degree for each prime factor \(q\) of \(r\), with \(1<q< r\);

where \(r = (m^k - 1)/(m - 1)\). The factorizations of \(m-1\) and \(r\) must be in fm and fr respectively. Condition 1 is the same as saying that \((-1)^{k+1} a_k\) is a primitive root of \(m\). Condition 3 is automatically satisfied when \(r\) is prime.

◆ isPrimitive() [2/2]

template<typename Int >
bool LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::isPrimitive ( const IntFactorization< Int > &  r)

Given the factorization of \(r\), this method returns true if conditions 2 and 3 above are satisfied by the modulus \(f(x)\).

It does not check condition 1, assuming it to be true.

◆ powerMod()

template<typename Int >
void LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::powerMod ( const Int &  j)

Sets \(v = x^j \mod f(x) (\bmod m)\).

◆ reverse()

template<typename Int >
void LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::reverse ( IntVec c,
long  k,
int  kind 

Given a vector \(C = [c_0, c_1, …, c_{k-1}, c_k]\), this function reorders the components of \(C\) in the form \(C = [c_k, c_{k-1}, ..., c_1, c_0]\) for kind = 1, and in the form \(C = [-c_k, -c_{k-1}, …, -c_1, 1]\) for kind = 2.

For other values of kind, it has no effect.

◆ setF() [1/2]

template<typename Int >
void LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::setF ( const typename ModInt< Int >::IntVecP &  C)

Initializes the modulus polynomial \(f(x) = c_0 + c_1x +c_2x^2 + \cdots+ c_kx^k\) of degree \(k\) for this class from the coefficients \(c_i = \)C[i] of vector C of dimension \(k + 1\).

This function must be called before doing any arithmetic operations on PolyPE objects, otherwise the results are unpredictable.

◆ setF() [2/2]

template<typename Int >
void LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::setF ( const IntVec C)

Same as above, but instead from a IntVec.

◆ setM()

template<typename Int >
void LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::setM ( const Int &  m)

Initializes the modulus \(m\) for this class.

This must be called before doing any operations on PolyPE objects, otherwise the results are unpredictable.

◆ setVal() [1/3]

template<typename Int >
void LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::setVal ( long  j)

◆ setVal() [2/3]

template<typename Int >
void LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::setVal ( const IntVec C)

Initializes this object to \(C\).

◆ setVal() [3/3]

template<typename Int >
void LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::setVal ( std::string &  str)

Initializes this object to the polynomial in str.

◆ toString()

template<typename Int >
std::string LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::toString ( ) const

Returns this object as a string.

◆ toVector()

template<typename Int >
void LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::toVector ( IntVec c)

Returns the coefficients of this polynomial as a vector \(C\) of \(k\) components, where \(k\) is the degree of the modulus \(f(x)\).

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_k

template<typename Int >
long LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::m_k

Degree of the modulus polynomial \(f\).

◆ m_m

template<typename Int >
Int LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::m_m

Modulus of congruence.

◆ m_x

template<typename Int >
ModInt< Int >::PolX LatMRG::PolyPE< Int >::m_x

The polynomial \(f(x) = x\).

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